加拿大阿尔伯塔大学骆静利院士讲座 -凯发官网首页
时间 : 2017年11月30日 09时00分
地点 : 主教504
主办单位 : 工程学部
协办单位 : 动力学院
co2 conversion using fuel cell as reactor for co-generating electricity and useful product
主讲人 : 骆静利 院士
fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy far more efficiently than combustion processes and therefore, have attracted research efforts worldwide. in recent years, my group has devoted efforts to developing new reaction processes of solid oxide fuel cells (sofc) and advanced in the areas of energy materials development and electrode catalysts innovation. the unique feature of our new sofc reaction processes is the ability to co-generate electricity and useful products energy-independently. this concept has been applied to the co2 conversion via sofc, which will be introduced in this presentation. as commonly known, the ever increasing global consumption of fossil fuels has resulted in the record level atmospheric co2, which adversely and uncontrollably impacts our ecosystem. global warming, e.g., has caused abnormal weather conditions and natural disasters in various regions. therefore, the worldwide battle against the negative greenhouse effects is gaining momentum and the search for clean energy sources has intensified. in response to the challenges, we have developed a novel energy-independent process using sofc as a reactor to convert co2 and simultaneously generate electricity and produce syngas (co h2), a valuable fuel. due to its energy-independent nature, this “one stone hitting three birds” approach appears to be a promising strategy to close the anthropogenic carbon cycle. the work presented herein reflects our efforts and share of the responsibility for advancing the current green energy technology and for protecting our environment by reducing co2 emission.
骆静利,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教授,加拿大工程院院士。1982年本科毕业于北京科技大学(原北京钢铁学院)理化系,后留校任教。1992年在加拿大麦克马斯特大学获得材料科学与工程博士学位,师从著名的ives教授,随后从事博士后研究。1995年进入加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 (university of alberta)工作至今,任化工及材料工程系教授、国际腐蚀理事会委员、2004-2015年任加拿大替代燃料电池首席科学家。她长期从事电化学、燃料电池、能源材料和腐蚀控制等诸领域的研究,并应用电化学理论开发了新型燃料电池过程,应用电催化理论研制了多种新能源材料,研究和优化了能源转换和存储材料,在清洁能源和二氧化碳回收利用领域也正在取得显著的成果。同时她针对核电材料腐蚀问题,开展过大量有关局部腐蚀机理、系统微量元素对应力腐蚀开裂的诱导作用等研究,对油田管道冲刷腐蚀机理与防护进行过系统研究并建立了可进行预测的理论模型。迄今已在相关刊物上发表论文300多篇, 发布6个美国专利,并于2014年获得加拿大材料化学奖,2002年加拿大冶金学会颁发的morris cohen奖等奖项以表彰她所作的贡献。

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