基于物联网云的全球工业服务化 -凯发官网首页
时间 : 2016年10月13日 03时16分
地点 : 软件学院学术报告厅
主办单位 : 软件学院
协办单位 : 软件学院
主讲人 : dr. rong chang 張榮 博士
cloud- d internet-of-things (iot) solution innovations are enabling a historical service-oriented morphosis of the global industry with support of national initiatives such as “industrial internet”, “industry 4.0”, and “internet ”. this presentation will first brief the key business and technical drivers of these value-driven innovations. it will then exemplify the ongoing global industry servitization via several deployed commercial use cases. finally, it will elaborate on several technology and education challenges in creating disruptive iot cloud services.
dr. rong chang 張榮 博士 is member of ibm academy of technology at the ibm t.j. watson research center, leading in-market r&d on api-defined iot cloud services. he received his ph.d. degree in computer science & engineering from the university of michigan in usa in 1990 and his b.s. degree in computer engineering from the national chiao tung university in taiwan in 1982. before joining ibm in 1993, he was with bellcore researching on b-isdn d personal ubiquitous application services. he has received five ibm corporate-level outstanding technical achievement awards, held 30 patents, and published 40 refereed technical papers in the areas of business cloud services, it service analytics, service quality management, workflow & process management, and e-commerce. he is associate editor-in-chief of the ieee transactions on services computing, editor-in-chief of the services transactions on cloud computing, and advisory board member of the international journal of big data intelligence. he has chaired many conferences on internet- d distributed services computing. he is general chair of 2016 ieee world congress on services (cloud icws ms scc bigdatacongress services), steering committee member of the first ieee/acm symposium of edge computing, and 2016 vice chair of the sino-american technology and engineering conference. he is ieee technical committee chair on services computing. he is a national council advisor of chinese institute of engineers – usa.

作者 :
责任编辑 : 商金艳