德国manfred paul kurt döring教授学术讲座 -凯发官网首页
时间 : 2023年12月04日 15时00分
地点 : b校区材料楼212学术报告厅
主办单位 : 材料科学与工程学院
flame-retardant epoxy resins and composites
主讲人 : prof. manfred paul kurt döring
this presentation provides a general overview about the application of phosphorus containing flame retardants with different chemical environment in epoxy resins. these compounds comprise in particular reactive phosphorus compounds, phosphorus containing salts as well as bridged and polymeric phosphorus additives. the efficiency of mainly gas phase and condensed phase active flame retardants will be compared in different neat epoxy resins and their reinforced composites. furthermore, the influence of the different flame retardants on the material parameters of the epoxy resins (glass transition temperature, fracture toughness, carbon fiber stabilization) will be discussed. new efficient flame retardants and epoxy formulations for different applications will be introduced.
manfred paul kurt döring教授在德国耶拿大学(university of jena)获得博士学位,随后在德国埃朗根-纽伦堡大学(university of erlangen nuremberg)和美国麻省理工学院(massachusetts institute of technology (usa))从事博士后研究工作。他目前担任schill seilacher gmbh公司和 schill seilacher struktol gmbh公司顾问委员会成员,以及德国弗劳恩霍夫结构耐久性与系统可靠性研究所聚合物合成系前主任。研究兴趣主要集中在合成与工艺化学、高分子阻燃、绿色化学等。因dopo衍生物阻燃剂的合成造诣深厚,也被称为dopo先生/教授。主持了多个由德国政府,空客、巴斯夫和奥迪等公司资助的科研项目。发表了文章150多篇,获得授权专利80多项。受邀参加国际阻燃会议,并作了20多次大会特邀报告/主题报告。目前,还在10多个国际期刊担任编委。
professor manfred paul kurt döring obtained his phd degree from the university of jena in germany, and then engaged as postdoctoral fellows at the university of erlangen nuremberg (germany) and the massachusetts institute of technology (usa). he is currently serving as a member of the advisory committee for schill seilacher gmbh and schill seilacher strukto gmbh, and the former director of the polymer synthesis department at the fraunhofer institute for structural durability and system reliability in germany. his research interests mainly focus on synthesis and technical chemistry, polymer flame retardancy, green chemistry, etc. he has a deep understanding of the synthesis of dopo derivative flame retardants, and is also known as mr./professor dopo. he has led multiple scientific projects funded and supported by the german government and companies such as airbus, basf, and audi. he has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers and authorized over 80 patents. he has been invited to participate in international flame retardant conferences and give more than 20 plenary/keynote presentations. currently, he is also serving as editorial board members of more than ten international journals.

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