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时间 : 2023年11月03日 10时30分
地点 : 高端装备机械传动全国重点实验室219会议室
surface post-processing of additive manufactured metallic materials
主讲人 : sara bagherifard
激光粉末床熔融(laser powder bed fusion)作为一种新型增材制造技术,在复杂零件制造应用中具有突出优势。本研究评估了激光粉末床熔融结合不同表面强化、热处理、化学处理等后处理技术对零件表面完整性及疲劳性能的影响,发现所应用后处理在改善表面粗糙度、提升表面硬度及残余应力等方面具有重要效果,有助于改善零件疲劳性能。
laser powder bed fusion (lpbf), as one of the widely used additive manufacturing (am) technologies, offers prominent advantages in fabrication of parts with complex geometries. this study evaluates the effect of various impact- d surface treatments and their combination with thermal and chemical post-treatments on fatigue performance of alsi10mg specimens prepared using laser powder bed fusion (lpbf). the results confirmed the overall favourable effect of the applied post processing treatments in enhancing the fatigue performance of the samples. the surface treatments led to considerable reduction in surface roughness. the mechanical treatments also induced residual stresses, surface work hardening, and improved fatigue performance. the heat treatment applied also had an important role in homogenizing the microstructure and releasing the undesirable residual stresses induced during fabrication.
sara bagherifard,博士,米兰理工大学机械工程系副教授,国际知名的表面工程研究领域青年学者,主要研究方向为表面处理、表面涂层、纳米材料和增材制造。发表专著1部,在国际权威学术期刊与国际会议上发表论文100多篇,累积引用量3000余次。获米兰理工大学国际博士后奖学金、麻省理工学院意大利分校罗伯托·罗卡博士后奖学金、斯伦贝谢基金会未来教员奖学金、青年科学家讲座金奖(表面,涂层和纳米结构材料协会(nanosmat))、青年研究员奖(igf)和最佳演讲奖(semdoc,日利纳大学),是意大利米兰理工大学表面强化课题组研究骨干。
dr. sara bagherifard is an associate professor in department of mechanical engineering, politecnico di milano. she is an internationally renowned young scholar in the field of surface engineering. her main scientific interests are innovative methods for surface treatments, coatings techniques, and additive manufacturing. she published over 100 papers in prestigious international academic journals and international conferences with over 3000 citations. she was awarded the international postdoctoral fellowship from politecnico di milano, the roberto rocca fellowship from the massachusetts institute of technology, the future faculty fellowship from the schlumberger foundation, and the young scientist lecture gold award from the society of nanosmat. she is a key researcher in the surface treatment research group at politecnico di milano.

作者 :
责任编辑 : 王钰梅